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Edge 360

Introducing the Next Evolution of Edge


Edge 360 represents an exciting step forward for the public library field, expanding the program beyond digital inclusion and introducing benchmarks for anti-racism, digital equity, economic opportunity and education in their local communities.

For the past eight years, thousands of libraries have benefited from Edge and its focus on digital inclusion. However, 2020 changed local communities dramatically and revealed the need for Edge to expand beyond just digital inclusion. Edge 360 represents an exciting step forward for the public library field, expanding the Edge program beyond digital inclusion.

The Edge 360 platform is live for members of the Anti-Racism and Digital Equity cohorts.

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The Edge 2.0 platform is live for members of the Data Fluency cohort.

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How it Works

The benchmarks developed by ULC provide a set of activities and actions that library executive teams can take to address digital equity in their communities and internal structural racism in their organizations. ULC will work with small cohorts of libraries in peer-to-peer virtual forums to share insights and strategies on how to advance equity.

What excites me is the ability that benchmarks have to share our story effectively with measurable outcomes.

Christina de Castell, Chief Librarian & CEO, Vancouver Public Library, Pilot Cohort