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Women in the Workforce

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Women in the Workforce

Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach

Workforce and Economic Development | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

Women in the Workforce is a growing online professional support network featuring female guest presenters who speak on personal and professional topics of their own expertise. This forum provides a unique opportunity for learning, connecting and advancing a growth mindset within the framework of life-work balance.


This program provides working professionals — who are not typically available for in-house programming during working hours — the opportunity to engage in meaningful connections and recognize the library as a critical support network for career growth. By accessing an online platform, a wide range of regionally diverse speakers and presenters have been obtained who otherwise would not have been available to share their expertise in person. Speakers have been garnered from LinkedIn, SpeakerHub and referrals, all pro bono.

Key Elements of Innovation

Hybrid and online presentation has enabled local and non-local presenters and participant access to personal and professional development on a range of traditional and alternative topics that are focused on providing empowerment and support to women’s unique experiences in the workplace and beyond. This platform to amplify and validate women’s voices projects to an audience of men and women of varied socio-economic backgrounds. Professionals share insights, inspiration and encouragement to others on their journeys.

Achieved Outcomes

Women in the Workforce has hosted ten presentations since its inception and has reached a community of over 135 participants. Presentations are now recorded and shared with all LinkedIn registrants and posted to the Mandel Library YouTube channel playlist. Presenters have expressed gratitude for the opportunity to educate and enrich the lives of others and shown a willingness to maintain connections with participants. Participant evaluations include, “Everyone was very authentic and willing to support each other."