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Screen Free Saturday

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Screen Free Saturday

San Diego Public Library, Calif. (Denny Sanford Children's Library)

Education - Children & Adults | 2019

Innovation Synopsis

Screen Free Saturday provides a space for families to put away their electronic devices and enjoy time together. All computers in the Children's Library are made unavailable from 9:30 a.m.-noon. The library schedules performers, STEAM programs and craft projects on one Saturday morning a month. Board games and other activities are also available.


Screen Free Saturday came about as an effort to offer children and parents a way to spend time together without computers, tablets or cell phones. Turning off the computers in the Children’s Library furthered that goal and did not deny service, as patrons were able to use computers on other floors of the library. This program addresses the parenting concern that children need time away from electronics and provides a free program for families to attend.

Key Elements of Innovation

Screen Free Saturday contains elements of STEAM programming, family learning and library awareness. The decision to turn off the Children’s Library computers and ask that patrons limit the use of their personal devices creates an environment for family engagement. Without electronic distraction families can enjoy a performer, try a science experiment or create an art project. The removal of technology allows families to experience the library in a different way, expanding their understanding of what libraries offer.

Achieved Outcomes

Screen Free Saturday had a successful Spring series and will continue monthly in the fall. The program attracted over 70 participants and featured several STEAM programs. Patron response to the program was positive, with families complimenting the library’s efforts to provide a space where they could disconnect from technology and enjoy time with their children. Several families with younger children voiced appreciation in being able to use the library computer-free, as they limit their children's exposure at home.