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Pop Up Summer Learning Library

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Pop Up Summer Learning Library

Kansas City Public Library, Mo.

Education - Children & Adults | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

Pop Up Summer Learning Library transports the Kansas City Public Library experience to children and their families to ensure equal access to Summer Reading and Learning. Four days a week for 10 weeks, staff created a mini-library in parks and food distribution sites.


Families depend on the library in the summer for learning opportunities. While online summer reading programs reach numerous families, those that do not have reliable internet access can benefit greatly from in-person opportunities. With branches closed this summer to everything but picking up holds, the Kansas City Public Library quickly pivoted for our families who need that in-person experience. Numerous partners assisted in providing safe sites for our Pop Up and affording a more robust experience for each family.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • The library strategically chose locations where our most vulnerable families would feel comfortable. We stayed outdoors to accommodate social distancing.
  • The library had a consistent presence at every weekly food distribution site set up by the Urban League and Guadalupe Centers and appeared at a designated park each day of the week, so families knew to expect us.
  • Partnerships proved key as Kansas City Parks & Rec, Harvesters Food Bank and Kansas City Public Schools joined the library at the Pop Ups.

Achieved Outcomes

  • More than 50 Pop Ups were conducted from June 1 through August 8, with more than 700 children and teens completing the Summer Reading and Learning Program.
  • Children went home with 1,200 activity kits incorporating age-appropriate learning outcomes.
  • The library’s presence at these locations led to the development of valuable new partnerships. One, with the Global FC youth soccer, literacy, mentoring and education program, allowed two librarians to ride along as food was distributed to refugee families in the program.