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One on One Student Engagement

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One on One Student Engagement

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, N.C.

Education - Children & Adults | 2020

Innovation Synopsis

Charlotte Mecklenburg Library pivoted to online programs during the pandemic. We offer virtual 1-on-1 Reading Buddies and Tutoring & Enrichment sessions. Prior to this, Reading Buddies was in-person and tutoring was not offered. Sessions are important for students who desperately need individual support. Children thrived with the 1-on-1 connections.


Charlotte Mecklenburg Library is a key player in the community goal of 80% of 3rd graders being on grade level in reading by 2025. To reach families during a time of virtual programming, marketing took place heavily on social media platforms. Reading Buddies was an instant success and Homework Help was renamed to Tutoring & Enrichment in order to tap elementary children. Sessions were offered later in the day and on weekends in order to meet family needs. Active Reading Strategies were incorporated into curriculum.

Key Elements of Innovation

The pandemic forced a total change to the way the library provides programs. Programmers adapted quickly and provided focused, educational programming. Zoom had to be purchased, learned and then used to offer student engagement sessions. New times of days had to be considered for the programs and, in the case of Reading Buddies, new content was used. Staff was trained to offer tutoring and enrichment sessions and given tools for this new program. Staff use electronic books and online resources to screen share with students.

Achieved Outcomes

More than 906 sessions have been held reaching 1,375+ children and adults. A parent shared, ”We have seen so much improvement in Grant’s willingness to try new words. His confidence is improving and he is reading more." Another parent said, “I was worried before my daughter started kindergarten because she was shy and wasn't confident to answer others' questions. I signed her up for Reading Buddies before her school started. Now she is a kindergartner and attending virtual class. She's not shy when she has to say something."