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Health Challenge 2022

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Health Challenge 2022

Alameda County Library

Education - Children & Adults | 2023

Innovation Synopsis

Health Challenge 2022 was a five-month health initiative featuring five key facets of health literacy: financial, social, physical, spiritual,= and mental by completing activities on a checklist to qualify for prizes.


Research shows that full, productive aging requires all-round good health. Five key aspects of health (financial, mental, social, physical, and spiritual) lend themselves to checklists of activities that promote each facet. Another challenge was offering outreach when we were doing no in-person programming owing to the pandemic.

Key Elements of Innovation

The initiative was designed to provide low-contact, high result focus on health when we were doing no in-person programming. Checklists captured the best practices to achieve different facets of health and encourage learning about practices from different cultures.

Achieved Outcomes

We received 551 entries, reflecting enthusiasm for the program and completion of its activities.