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Dialogue Tools to Transform Conflict

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Dialogue Tools to Transform Conflict

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Advocacy & Awareness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

In 2020-2021, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh partnered with consulting group, Essential Partners (EP), to train library staff and community members on the Reflective Structured Dialogue approach in order to facilitate challenging conversations. Staff and the community learned about dialogue tools and techniques that help one engage in divisive situations.


  • Our goal is to provide an increased presence in CLP branches, community settings and virtual places where the community gathers as a way to offer reliable/factual information from trusted sources.
  • COVID-19 further increased polarization and the spread of misinformation throughout community, as well as prevented us from gathering in-person to have structured dialogue.
  • EP consultants helped customize a virtual training on fostering constructive dialogue for 18 CLP/County Library staff and community members.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • Several CLP staff first attended a virtual training led by EP to learn about Reflective Structured Dialogue (RSD).
  • A smaller training was held for manager-level CLP staff on Zoom as a train-the-trainer version
  • A larger, two-day virtual training took place that brought together library staff and community members who want to learn how to hold space for tough conversations.

Achieved Outcomes

  • Survey feedback was overwhelmingly positive and exceeded expectations for both attendees and presenters.
  • Participants were eager to put into practice what they had learned within their own locations and organizations.
  • Will reach out to this group to offer them the chance to practice what they learned by co-facilitating 2022 community conversations and structured dialogue programming.