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Books 2 Boogie: Reintroducing Programs Outdoors

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Books 2 Boogie: Reintroducing Programs Outdoors

Scottsdale Public Library

Education - Children & Adults | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

Books 2 Boogie (B2B) is a signature storytime program at SPL. Our most popular, and well attended program had upwards of 65-70 patrons at a time (pre-COVID). Reintroducing this program and following COVID-19 restrictions required a creative solution which ended up being socially distanced outdoor programming in collaboration with local parks.


Reintroducing programs with new group size restrictions required a creative solution. SPL is located in an area conducive to outdoor programming. A partnership was created with our Parks & Rec department, and a pilot program was introduced to compare “Pop-Up” B2B programs with “Registration” B2B programs to see which model allowed easier crowd control. Precautions were taken to define the space, identify each family area, and take-home musical instruments were provided. A sound system and big books were also utilized.

Key Elements of Innovation

To delineate the area, traffic cones and chains were used and 15 picnic blankets were placed six feet apart inside the area. A “stage” was created up front to maintain social distance between groups. For pop-up programs, families were informed via social media 48 hours prior and families at the park were invited to attend. For registration programs, families were informed via social media and online calendar seven days prior to program. Upon arrival, families checked in where blankets accommodated up to two adults and four children.

Achieved Outcomes

This pilot ran for three months and provided one B2B program per week at various park locations for 12 weeks, with 367 total patrons attending the programs. Only two programs exceeded the maximum number of 50 patrons in order to maintain social distancing. Patrons were respectful of guidelines provided and many attended numerous times since SPL was the only library in the valley offering in-person youth programming. Although a staff heavy pilot program, this program can be implemented again with less staff and be just as successful.