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Adulting 101

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Adulting 101

Austin Public Library, Texas

Education - Children & Adults | 2018

Innovation Synopsis

Each month features a new “adult” skill and a local expert to share information in order to educate and empower participants in a fun, nonjudgmental environment. Interactivity is key to facilitating participant engagement. Past/scheduled topics include mindfulness for stress management, budgeting, organization, car-free commuting and healthy cooking.


Our new Central Library features a flexible space including a demonstration kitchen, offering new programming opportunities. Leveraging this space converged with a desire to attract new users, particularly recent college graduates who no longer have access to academic libraries or new adults who have not used a library recently. The goal was to offer skill development with an element of fun rather than pure entertainment.

Key Elements of Innovation

  • The variety of topics allows APL to use existing community partnerships and form new ones with local nonprofits at little to no cost.
  • Including an interactive component in each presentation ensures consistently-engaged participants and avoids a pedantic atmosphere.
  • “Adulting” is a social-media-ready concept that allows for a sense of humor in promotional materials.
  • To tie in library collections, event listings include an online list of resources. Materials are available for checkout at the event.

Achieved Outcomes

Customer engagement is strong on social media (1,900 “interested” Facebook users) and during events. After the mindfulness session, one participant commented that, having attended non-library mindfulness events, this was the first time she felt equipped to put the skill into practice. Members of the community have offered their skills for future sessions; participants have also suggested topics. April’s budgeting session with Financial Fitness of Greater Austin yielded the greatest diversity across demographics (age/race/gender/education/socioeconomic status).