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Healthcare Heroes Storytime

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Healthcare Heroes Storytime

Kansas City Public Library

Advocacy & Awareness | 2021

Innovation Synopsis

To celebrate the incredible healthcare workers in our city, the Kansas City Public Library partnered with Children’s Mercy Hospital to create a month long guest storytime program called “Healthcare Heroes Storytime.” Throughout May, the library posted a new video of a Children’s Mercy employee reading a beloved picture book on our YouTube channel.


In March 2020, the library quickly pivoted to a virtual storytime platform that increased accessibility for more families to watch our storytimes anytime, anywhere and allowed for a more diverse corps of community members to present storytimes. We saw this as a perfect opportunity to feature healthcare workers at a local children's hospital on our website to show the library’s support of their continued sacrifices during the pandemic and introduce our patrons to these valued members of the community.

Key Elements of Innovation

This virtual storytime program was the perfect way to start a vital new library partnership and benefit everyone involved: KCPL, Children’s Mercy staff and our young viewers. Children’s Mercy employees expressed gratitude and enthusiasm for an opportunity to interact with kids in the community in a non-health care related setting, especially in the midst of COVID-19. Through the joy of reading, they were able to playfully connect with their young patients and build meaningful relationships with a brand-new audience.

Achieved Outcomes

Due to incredible marketing, communication and enthusiasm from Children's Mercy staff, this program was a huge success and expanded audience reach for both partners. Each “healthcare hero” YouTube video received at least twice as many views as the library's regularly scheduled storytimes and some reached over 100 views in just one week. This program also sparked a continued partnership with Children’s Mercy that’s already extended to library outreach events and growing interest for guest storytimes all year long!